公司專業從事于高溫殺菌鍋的開發和制造,主要產品:熱水噴淋式殺菌鍋、熱水循環式殺菌鍋。已達到美國 FDA和HACCP衛生規范中的要求。
公司成立于1995年,曾先后被認定為 “*企業”、“科技開發企業”、“國家質量達標企業”等多項榮譽稱號 ,并順利通過ISO9001質量管理體系認證。嚴格有效的管理,富有責任心的團隊確保了我們能夠在任何時間,任何地點對用戶提供的服務,并充分贏得了廣大用戶對我公司產品和服務的認可,公司全體員工本著“誠信為本,質量*”的宗旨, 堅持“客戶*”的原則為廣大客戶提供的服務。歡迎廣大客戶惠顧!
Zhucheng Jinding Food Machinery Co., Ltd specializes in development and manufacturing of retorts such as hot water spray type retorts and hot water circulation retorts. Its product quality has reached USA FDA and HACCP requirements.
Since its establishment in 1995, this company has received many awards, such as Best Know-how Enterprise, Best Science and Technology Development Enterprise, and National Quality Enterprise. It has passed ISO 9001 certification. Its efficient management and liable work team ensures its in-time and any-spot quality service. What is more, its products are approved by clients. As staff, we hold the service principle of faithfulness and quality.