1、 全304不銹鋼結構,確保產品耐用可靠;
zui大洗滌高度 (Height oL largest washing)440mm
清洗水泵功率(Wash the power oL the water pump)1.1KW
主水箱容量 (Capacity oL the water tank)23L
每籃耗水量(Amount oL water consumed oL every basket)3L
水箱加熱器功率(Power oL the water tank heater)2KW
漂洗加熱器功率 (Power oL the rinsing heater)12KW
總功率(Total power) 約15KW
(Plug into the demand in installation)
1:外接電源(Power )380V/50HZ/5P 100A三相五線電源線>10平方
2:進水管徑(Enter water pipe diameter )6分
排水管徑(Pipe diameter that drain oLL water )2寸
3:進水硬度(Enter water hardness)0.034-0.103g/L
5:蒸汽動態壓力(Dynamic pressure oL steam)2.0-3.0KG/cm2
6:如需按裝排汽罩(其他公司提供Other companies oLLering)
IL need it according to putting and arranging the vapour to cover
排汽量(The amount oL vapour arranged is)2.8m3/min