近日,華中農業大學食品科學技術學院潘思軼教授領銜的果蔬加工化學與綜合利用團隊,針對氣候變化緊迫形勢與國家碳中和戰略需求,綜合研究了大宗水果柑橘廢棄物的減排潛力,提出了柑橘副產物助力全球碳中和目標與可持續發展的創新技術和解決方案。相關成果以“Trends in valorization of citrus by-products from the net-zero perspective: Green processing innovation combined with applications in emission reduction”為題,在線發表在Trends in Food Science & Technology上。該成果有望為柑橘副產物綜合利用產業的可持續發展提供引領,并在應對氣候變化方面做出積極貢獻,進一步激發社會對生物質廢料助力碳中和目標的濃厚興趣。
Climate change is a serious challenge for all humans, and global net-zero targets can only be achieved with collaborative endeavors from various industries. Citrus is one of the largest fruit industries in the world, and vast quantities of citrus by-products (CBP) are produced due to large-scale planting and processing activities. However, CBP are usually left in the environment, leading to economic loss, environmental pollution, and carbon emissions. Even though a small fraction of CBP can be valorized, the processing may cause energy loss and secondary pollution. For global net-zero targets, there is an urgent need for technological innovation to develop green low-carbon processing industries and facilitate better utilization of citrus biomass resources to reduce carbon emissions.
This review summarizes the far-reaching impacts of CBP management on climate change, and proposes innovative technologies and solutions for CBP to facilitate sustainable development and global carbon neutrality goals.
CBP exhibit great potential for achieving net-zero targets in terms of yield, utilization status, and composition characteristics. The carbon footprint during processing can be reduced through green equipment and solvents, as well as renewable energy sources and digital aids. Besides, the rich variety of by-product types and compositions contribute to great potential to reduce carbon footprint in food systems (soil carbon sequestration, management of livestock methane (CH4), development of low-carbon food, and reduction of food waste), develop biomass energy (biodiesel, biofuel cells and combustible gases), and sustainable materials for livelihood, pollution control and energy storage.【